Blog about Nix from people who know it

Nix is hard and the wiki is lacking. That's why we made JourNix - to help you with your nix journey.

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7 min read (1825 words)

Effortless Minecraft Servers on NixOS | Simple Declarative Setup

A post about one way to declare Minecraft servers with Nix.

Vimjoyer avatar


Ricing linux has never been easier | NixOS + stylix cover image

5 min read (1193 words)

Ricing linux has never been easier | NixOS + stylix

A post about auto-generating your colorscheme from a base16 palette

Vimjoyer avatar


6 min read (1670 words)

Gaming on nixos

A post about the tools and modules you should use to improve your gaming experience on NixOS both from hardware and software perspective.

Vimjoyer avatar
